Friday, August 8, 2014

These Ornaments are For the Birds

There’s just something about colorful birds that captures our imaginations; after all, how many of us have a feeder in the yard to attract feathered friends? Sitara artisans have taken this bird fancy and turned it into Wild Woolies, gorgeous (and eco-friendly!) ornaments that brighten your day—and your home—year round.

Each felted bird is created from scratch using traditional felting techniques. First, natural carded wool is dyed in a rainbow of colors, then dried, re-carded and shaped into a rough pattern. Warm, soapy water is poured over the prepared wool, which is rubbed and rolled by hand beneath a thin layer of meshed nylon. The heat and agitation gradually interlocks the woolen fibers, thus creating the soft but solid fabric known as felt. Once the initial shaping process is complete, it’s dried in the sun and then cut into shapes, stuffed and sewn into ornaments. Expressive details are added using both embroidery and a distinctive technique called “needling,” which uses a specially engineered felting needle to punch through overlaying colors of felt to bind them together.

The result: a handmade bird that’s as unique as the real thing. And our skilled artists have created a lineup that includes some of the most popular and vibrant birds in nature. Everything from cardinals and bluebirds to painted buntings and purple martins can be added to your Christmas tree or used in a hundred different ways to brighten up indoor or outdoor décor.

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